
Club activities

The club activities when I am senior high school student are good memories. I belonged to the track and field club at the senior high school. First, it was not able to be reflected on the event that I wanted to appear when I am first grader. Therefore, I did practice after club activities were over with a friend. Second, I got possible to enter the event that I wanted to run after becoming a second grader. However, I was not able to leave a good result in a game. I got a lot of advice from a friend to improve a form when I run. And I was able to update a personal best at the end time of the second grader. Third, I have been hurt during an exercise in the training camp of the last of the third grader. I was very annoyed, but friends cheered me up. Finally, I was not able to leave a good result by the club activities, but it is important when it was able to experience various things.


I think about Matt

I think Matt is attractive man. One reason that the people who danced with mat seemed to enjoy it very much. Another reason, Even if words do not understand, his happy atmosphere is come to many people. In addition, I think he knew many things to go many countries. Finally, I met him and wanted to dance together.


Human traffic

 In my opinion, the government should support Haiti immediately. First, about 2,500 people a year, children are sacrificed of the human traffic In Haiti. According to UNICEF, these victims increase after a big earthquake in Haiti of 2010. Haiti is very painful situation, but I think that it is the problem must be settled quickly. Therefore, I want to the government support to Haiti.


Death penalty

In my opinion, governments should not use the death penalty. First, according to NGO, world seventy percent abolish death penalty.  Second, there are various problems in Japanese judicial system. For example, there are still many false accusation cases in Japan. Third, I think a citizen judgment the death penalty is very difficult problem. Therefore, I agree the abolition of death penalty.

Smoking in restaurants

In my opinion, smoking should not be banned in restaurants. First, there are a lot of people who smoking at a restaurant. My boss said, “I want to smoke in restaurants.” In my experience, many customers smoke at the bar which I worked. Second, persons who do not smoke feel the discomfort of cigarette smoke. At work, I always endure the smoke of the cigarettes which my boss smokes. In addition, Third, there are restaurants which separate smokers and non-smokers so that they can spend time comfortably together. In conclusion I think they don’t have to prohibit smoking in restaurants.



There are several reasons I don’t want to eat dolphins. First, I think that the dolphins are the same as dogs and cats. In addition, I think that the dolphins look in an aquarium and enjoy it. Another reason, the dolphins eating a lot of fish living in polluted sea, therefore, I think that dolphins include much poison. Most importantly, I think it is free someone what to eat, however I don’t want to eat dolphins.


Killing a animals

I think that it is not good to kill a animals for business. First of all, they will be regret if only about an immediate profit. For example, an African elephant is poached and rare animals are caught by a poacher to make it a pet. As for them, there might be the extinction. The most importantly, I think not good to kill an animal for business.