

There are several reasons I don’t want to eat dolphins. First, I think that the dolphins are the same as dogs and cats. In addition, I think that the dolphins look in an aquarium and enjoy it. Another reason, the dolphins eating a lot of fish living in polluted sea, therefore, I think that dolphins include much poison. Most importantly, I think it is free someone what to eat, however I don’t want to eat dolphins.


Killing a animals

I think that it is not good to kill a animals for business. First of all, they will be regret if only about an immediate profit. For example, an African elephant is poached and rare animals are caught by a poacher to make it a pet. As for them, there might be the extinction. The most importantly, I think not good to kill an animal for business.



  I think that it is important to learn. On November 10 in London, students demonstrated to a raise of tuition by the supply cuts plan of the government. First, if school expenses rise, the person who wants to go to school cannot go to school. One reason that I believe that I can use advantage the experience at the university in the future. Most importantly, I learn many things at a university.